Islanders are struggling and need more help
THANK YOU to Richard Digard for his article entitled, What about the other virus victims? I’m glad that he has shared this information.
It is shameful that the politicians think that 80% of the minimum wage is acceptable. In the UK it is 80% of an individual’s usual earnings. Other European countries are offering similar to the UK.
What kind of place is Guernsey whereby the majority are allowing a sector, mostly the working-class blue collar workers, to plunge into debt? I see and read ‘We are in this together’; this is simply not true. It would be impossible to make total equity for all, but to penalise one minority group is unthinkable.
I note the tax-funded Aurigny staff are on 70% of their wage. (I’m glad for them, but the people on 80% minimum wage are paying for that).
In our case I say 80% of minimum wage, but Social Security have not processed all claims and my partner is yet to see anything. They were very keen to ask about our savings and joint income, but less interested in our mortgage and outgoings.
If, like me, you are on full pay and reduced hours, please consider how those on nothing or less than a quarter of their earnings feel. The stress of cashing in savings and deferring rent and mortgage payments knowing that it is just digging a bigger hole.
Is it Guernsey together? Are you proud to live here in a place that is prepared to suppress one group for the benefit of others? Richard Digard says it will be months before the true emotional and human cost of dealing with the crisis emerges... Richard, tragically I can see it now...
Look into the eyes of the working man stripped of his role – you will see a hollow haunted look of despair and disappointment.
Politicians please, please look at the UK and Europe. Guernsey is an expensive place to live, rent and mortgages are high, essential bills are high. Us working class live to the maximum of our wages at the best of times. We can’t do this. We need help now. Save us please.
I am sorry to ask to be published as anonymous, but I do not wish for my partner to be identified. He is a proud, honourable, hard-working man who has paid into the system all his life. He would not wish for anyone to know how hard this is for us. I also know that there are many who are in a much more dire financial position than us and my heart goes out to them.