Guernsey Press

I agree with suggestion to test travellers

I WRITE in response to the letter from Annie Ashmead in today’s Press (Tuesday 12 May).


I entirely concur with Annie Ashmead in her suggestion for testing travellers to avoid quarantine and her observation that Dr Brink and the team are doing and have done a fantastic job. They have put the Bailiwick in a commendable position when compared to other jurisdictions.

Gavin St Pier stated last week that our borders are our front line and as such we should be controlling them robustly to protect the fortunate position we find ourselves in. I have made a similar suggestion regarding testing, albeit I suggested prior to travel and then seven days’ isolation upon arrival or until a negative result is produced. However, if it were possible to test and get results in shorter time scales, that can only be beneficial to all concerned.

In Alderney, we have had no cases confirmed, we can facilitate testing here, and surely for the benefit of the Bailiwick and an expeditious exit from lockdown, this must be an option for consideration.


Le Colin Bott,
