Covid-19 is an economic pandemic
THERE is no getting away from the impact of Covid-19. The world’s economies have literally tanked, with millions of healthy, productive and diligent employees cast into the gutter of unemployment along with hundreds of thousands of businesses destroyed beyond operational recovery.
Financial destruction is the order of the day and all the misery, bankruptcies, evictions, repossessions, broken relationships and suicides all in the name of a virus.
Governments have pumped trillions and billions to support their countries’ failing economies and support in part the victims of a virus which will join all the other alleged mass killing viruses in the pot of future viruses the population will be treated for on an annual basis.
The death toll from Covid-19 is totally insignificant compared with the world’s population, currently standing at 7.1bn. The daily world-wide deaths from Covid has on some days been fewer than 1,000.
When you look at the estimates of deaths daily of TB (28,000), starvation (26,500), influenza (1,700), malaria (2,700), obesity (6,700), where were the lockdowns?
Based upon the massive death toll, the same alarming set of lockdown rules brought in for Covid-19 should have been brought in for at least one of the aforementioned – influenza.
Compare the number of Covid daily deaths to 1,700 influenza deaths that occur 365 days a year every year.
Which is the most serious, for-real concern and impact upon the health services and economy? The deaths from starvation, malaria and Ebola occur in Third World countries.
No alarm bells or lockdowns, just mass deaths.
The lives of those of us in the West are more important then the lives of our fellow human beings in India and Africa. Hence no panic by WHO or so-called experts to address these millions of deaths annually.
Neil Ferguson OBE, epidemiologist and professor of mathematical biology and advisor to PMs and presidents, allegedly predicted the UK would suffer over 500,000 Covid-19 deaths, the USA over 2.5m.
The architect of lockdown and social distancing also predicted millions would die of Sars and Ebola.
If one looks at the world-wide deaths from Ebola and Sars, a daily total is minuscule. So are the deaths from Covid-19.
Is it no wonder there are those within the community who are alleging the Covid predictions of mass deaths may be based on flawed scientific evidence? Thereby bringing into question the so-called experts’ statistics of a Covid-19 Armageddon.
This in turn brings into question the whole basis of lockdown.
By the way, the same professor governments looked to for the lockdown measures left his post due to breaching the very lockdown restrictions he recommended to stop the alleged Armageddon.
One could very well allege his actions bring into question the validity of lockdown, and why do governments listen to so-called experts who bring the world to its knees economically?
The pandemic of Covid-19 was a pandemic, but not a pandemic of virus Armageddon but an economic pandemic, openly supported by the questionable WHO.
So is Covid-19 the result of a Chinese bat eater? A practice going back thousands of years with no pandemic.
Or was it man-made in some chemical plant in Wuhan let loose on a world more stable than ever before?
It’s fair to say the liberal left are ecstatic with the lockdown reactions.
The endless clapping, rainbow pictures appearing in every window along with the slogan, ‘We are all in this together’.
Even the weird pillars of stones which have appeared mysteriously along the island’s coastal walls like some neolithic monuments stand testimony to the liberals’ mentality of ‘everyone and everything is a hero’.
Even pointless piles of stones.
The most significant and sickening reality of this pandemic is the wanton abuse of the word ‘hero’.
The most abused word once used to describe those men and women who sacrificed their lives and freedom to defend the democratic process from tyranny and fascism.
The threat of tyranny is still with us today. The men and women of the armed forces and other agencies are still actively protecting democracy.
These same men and women are the very people the liberal left despise but turn to for protection in times of crisis.
Not the fake heroes created in the name of creating a liberal world where everyone is a hero, hugging and clapping is a sign of mindfulness and the world is a loving, peaceful, crime-free world.
The rose-tinted-glasses view of the world is the new religion and God help any person who questions this.
The left will shout them down and ostracism is demanded.
The truth is, liberalism is the 21st century version of fascism.
So what will we all learn from the light switch Covid-19 once this nightmare is over?
The harsh reality is death and destruction will always continue, innocent people will still be killed or enslaved, children will still die of hunger, abuse, drugs will still be the scourge on society, corruption will continue, secret societies will still peddle their untouchable practices and human rights abuses by perceived civilised jurisdictions (Guernsey included) will still continue.
And influenza will still kill millions, as will obesity.
One thing is for sure, the mantra shouted from the rooftops pre-Covid-19 was children spend far, far too much time using technology, it’s damaging children and their social development.
That mantra became obsolete from day one of lockdown.
The mantra message is now, ‘All hail technology, for technology saved the world’.
I’m sure tech companies are so, so happy; they will all be praising a once unknown little province of Wuhan and the bat population for changing the world and destroying the word hero.
They may have failed to stop President Trump, but money is where the real power lies, for money brings influence and globalisation.
And questionable pandemics.