Guernsey Press

Deputy has a selective memory

I READ with interest the opinion by Deputy Matt Fallaize on Monday 6 July 2020, featured in your newspaper.


In reading and absorbing this article, I wondered if the Education committee had experienced a loss of memory. Deputy Fallaize has been reiterating his view of the right model over the last two-and-a-half years but has lost momentum, or indeed gone back to square one.

He outlines their two-and-a-half years’ work ‘where much has been achieved’, but what has actually been achieved? The main objective, the two-school model, has been swept under the carpet. Removed from his memory is the 61% vote against their education scheme; removed from his memory is the unions’ opposition; removed from his memory is the teachers’ opposition; removed from his memory is the march by the thousands of the public against it; removed from his memory is any recollection of the green ribbon presentation outside the Royal Court, and also very conveniently the parish meetings where neighbours and douzaines voiced their opposition.

The traffic situation has not been resolved; yes, people have taken to walking and biking during the lockdown as a form of exercise. Over the weekend, with inclement weather, the cars have mysteriously reappeared, as they will when parents have to deliver and transport children to extra activities, not to mention hard-pressed teachers with their workload, transporting bags of homework.

Deputy Fallaize’s platitudes are not convincing. In fact, they seem to be nothing more than a naked and blatant attempt to ingratiate himself with the electorate and hang on to his seat at the October election. He does himself a disservice.


Les Queux,

Ruette des Effards,



GY5 7DQ.