Vote for candidates you believe capable and dedicated to move forward together
THE events around the last meeting of the States of Deliberation and some of the subsequent commentary require a response.
As you reported, I made my feelings clear about the States’ unwillingness to debate Policy & Resources’ amendment to the proposals about how to manage the enhancement of the eastern seaboard. While many colleagues agreed, some of my colleagues who have joined me in the new Guernsey Partnership of Independents felt that we would be better to deal with this opportunity in line with our original proposals. I respect that view and the majority decision of the States. I hope that a new, refreshed States can make rapid progress.
All of which simply underlines the need for new ideas to create more decisive government. Which is why we founded the Guernsey Partnership of Independents.
I believe the majority of Guernsey people share the desire for swifter progress. For our committee system to work effectively, we require consensus decision-making and then require those decisions to be rapidly implemented. I and my colleagues firmly believe Guernsey does not want ‘Westminster-style’ party politics. We are the anti-party politics group and for that reason we cannot condone those who form parties or alliances which are not open about their true intent. If you want to be the Guernsey branch of the Conservative Party, that is fine. But be honest with the electorate.
This dilemma between our tradition of independence and need for more decisive government has been with us for a long time.
The Guernsey Partnership of Independents can resolve that dilemma. A partnership of truly independent, experienced, talented individuals who have pledged to work together in the next States, while retaining independence. This respects all that is best about Guernsey’s political tradition.
There will be matters of conscience upon which individuals will take different positions. But for the overwhelming majority of policy goals the partnership is united. Just look at our website.
To those who are opposed to the very idea of any grouping we say, respectfully, are you so happy with the past? Flip-flopping and delays which have resulted in wasted public expenditure and under-investment in our infrastructure.
Do we always guarantee to vote together in the States? Not at all. We will do something better. We personally promise to live up to the pledge we have all signed independently. We will respect a democratic majority – by which we mean a democratic majority of the States, not among our own group.
The people of Guernsey will not vote as a block but for the individual candidates they want to see serving in the States. They can choose, if they wish, to vote for any combination of candidates, regardless of whether they are members of the partnership or not affiliated to our group. We too simply want people dedicated to serve the whole island. We encourage everyone to vote: vote for candidates you believe capable and dedicated to help our whole community move forward together.