Thanks to the people who worked tirelessly to keep us all safe
THANK you Nicola, Heidi and Gavin.
I teach in England. On 20 March, when schools closed to most pupils, I returned to Guernsey, and spent two weeks isolated in my parents’ spare room. Once allowed out, I spent my days teaching on Zoom and an hour in the afternoon walking or cycling.
These restrictions were, of course, unpleasant – but they worked. I went to a socially-distanced pub on the first day they were open, and by the time of the summer holidays the Bailiwick was back to normal. I’ve been to Herm and Sark, swam at the beach, attended pubs, restaurants, family birthday parties, and music concerts – including the best Vale Earth Fair we’ve ever had – and all of this without having to worry about catching or spreading coronavirus.
I return to England this week, to a restricted way of life and uncertainty about teaching. But I’ve spent a wonderful summer in normal conditions – which is to say, beautiful conditions, because this is Guernsey – and I’ll remember this forever.
This is all because of our leadership. Gavin and Heidi, you haven’t acted like politicians – you’ve acted like true leaders, bringing us out of the dark in a way few countries have managed to do, and earned your re-election in October. Thank you.
Nicola Brink, you have said and done the right thing since the very start. You trusted the people of Guernsey, you made the rules and their reasons very clear, and you kept us informed every step of the way.
It’s tragic that 16 people lost their lives, but without you it would have been so much worse. May you never pay for your own drinks as long as you live here.
Thank you to the many people who worked tirelessly to keep us safe and happy. To the nurses, shop workers and other essential workers who kept Guernsey running in these difficult times – we owe you a debt of gratitude we can never repay. We couldn’t have got through this without you.
And lastly, thank you to the incredible people of our Bailiwick, for following the rules designed to protect us. You all deserve your reward of being able to live almost normally. I’ve always considered myself lucky to be a Guernseyman, and you’ve proved me right. Be proud of yourselves.