Guernsey Press

Stop dogs disturbing Vazon wildlife

I raise issue with disturbances to wildlife around the Vazon Bay area.


In the last two years I have noted some walkers taking dogs down to Le Crocq sand bank, and others permitting their animal to scramble over rocks, as well as intrude other important safe spaces around the bay; some actively and persistently chasing birds.

At the far north end of the bay, below Hommet headland, there is a rocky area of retained low-tide water, with numerous surrounding smaller rock pools, transitioning to a variously mixed wet sand, weed & stone area, leading up to the sandy beach. Though oddly much quieter this year, I have noted in this part of the bay a variety of birds, such as plover, turnstone, egret, dunlin, rock pipit, various types of gull, curlew, and oyster catcher. Birds variously frequent all parts of Vazon Bay; sometimes moving around in search of food, other times to retreat within visual range when disturbed, or to shelter from very strong winds, or cold northerlies.

I believe it is no coincidence, during same period, there has been a notable drop in numbers of both curlew and oyster catchers at Vazon. In my view this is indicative of a response to the use of these areas, by the few exceptional, but impactful dog-walking practices. From my observations, both the above bird species have far greater sensitivity to beach activity than other birds, with measurably greater safe distance requirements from perceived threats.

When I do happen to see them in reasonable numbers, they appear retreated in tucked-away extremities, or sitting only on offshore rock islets.

With too many disturbances in all parts of the bay, including previously established safe areas, I am concerned Vazon is becoming an unacceptable place for these and other local bird populations to be. Various disturbances will occur from time-to-time.

However, can we please find a robust way of preventing what has become increasing, but entirely unnecessary canine disturbances of sea birds, on and around Vazon Bay.

Wildlife and people must come before dogs.