Guernsey Press

Will someone please sort out housing mess

HAVING already attended three hustings so far as of 18 September, and having been through the questions from the floor to the candidates, it is quite disappointing to see hardly anything on the serious situation of housing.


There is a shortage of housing on all levels of our society, both for the needy and those who wish to become first time buyers. This brings me to the last question asked at the hustings for the lone independents on Thursday 17th at St Peter Port School when a lady stood up and explained to the candidates that sadly she was leaving the island within weeks because her situation is she can’t afford to live here, purchase a house, and she has three children who have no chance in the future. She was, I believe, in the nursing section with very good qualifications. She asked the candidates what they are going to do to help the situation for others like her in the future.

The candidates all felt so sorry for her and of course the usual excuses came out. It seem this has been going on for years and even in the Guernsey Press the other day it was reported that there had been over 50 developments and none for first-time buyers.

Some candidates are beginning to look at the IDP and see what has gone wrong over the last four years. There is supposed to have been a development plan passed by the States to help this situation. Still we have the problem, therefore this department clearly has no teeth and it’s time planning in this island needs to clearly be looked at as a urgent situation. It’s interesting to see so many houses being allowed to be developed and then erected twice the size. This is happening all the time. Green field sites for some reasons are being built on, no matter how many representations are being put forward.

It is so sad to see such a great divide of those who can afford to build some of these monster, out of character, homes around the island and yet those true working people have no chance of purchasing their own home because of costs. Our States have simply lost the plot on this one. If you are well off then this is a great place to live, so no matter what promises the candidates give they never carry them through. We truly need deputies to seriously look into this issue and do something about it. It was so sad to see this qualified lady stand up and reveal what has happened to her. Therefore it truly is a disgrace on our States of Guernsey to see this happen – and what will be ahead for our children’s future? The island’s development plan does not work.

P.S. The day I wrote this letter I met someone else with two children who also has decided to sell up and move to the UK where it is cheaper to live.

PPS. Thank you for printing the way the last States voted on serious issues over the last four years. A good reminder to all of us of how they performed.



Rue des Frieteaux,

St Martin’s,

GY4 6XA.