Guernsey Press

Are we losing a sense of perspective?

AS A Guernsey resident for almost seven years I am wondering whether I live on the same island as some of your correspondents, the two new political parties or many of the election candidates.


In the election fever, these doomsayers seem intent on denigrating the island in uncomplimentary terms and undermining a wonderful place to live. Are we losing a sense of perspective?

The island is successful and prosperous. A strong economy has been weakened by Covid-19, but responsible leadership will ensure it recovers.

We have high living standards, no obvious poverty, low taxation, low crime rates and political stability.

Everything works, service standards are very high and the infrastructure is mostly good.

Our political leaders therefore cannot have been as bad as is being painted and we have a lot to be thankful for.

Guernsey is a free democracy and the residents are the friendliest and most welcoming people I have come across anywhere.

In my personal experience, most have the same views on the island as me.

That simply would not be the case if matters are as awful as some seem to want us to believe.

As a bonus we have a beautiful island, outstanding coastline and beaches with a great climate – lots of good weather with no extremes as in most places in the world.

It is a lovely place to live and my wife and I consider ourselves to be very fortunate.

Yes, there are issues, some of which I have pursued through these columns.

Many things can be changed, improved upon significantly or have been neglected and need attention.

But that is true of any society – Utopia does not exist – everyone should remember that.

Above all we need experienced and knowledgeable politicians at the helm. They must not forget where we are well off, move carefully forward, consider every aspect of their policies, remember they represent us all and take account of responsible opposing views.

Whatever they do they must not ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’.


Le Val de Putron,

Fermain Road,

St Peter Port,

GY1 2TD.