Why is La Pointe development still being allowed?
HERE WE go again. Another decision to be made on the triangle field at La Pointe in the Vale.
I thought that once the States body who rejected building on the site and leaving the trees to stay, would stick by their decision and not allow any further development.
No is no, so why can’t you people stick to what you said?
I note in your last report, two trees were found to be diseased and they were removed immediately. Funny that that’s just where the so-called entrance will be for the proposed development.
Why after some 738 letters of objection opposing the development is it still going to be allowed?
Having an opening for the development in a road, sorry, I mean lane, which takes some juggling for two lanes of traffic to pass.
We in Guernsey are losing so many green spaces.
If they, the builders, want to build some houses, why don’t they purchase the triangle field at the junction of La Haye du Puits, La Route de Cobo and La Route de Saumarez, then see how far they would get with that one. Not far I think, there would be all hell let loose from their neighbours.
Well, same thing applies to La Pointe field.
Come back Tom Ogier and sort out this mess. All is forgiven.