Time landslides on cliffs were dealt with
GOOD news: the long overdue repairs at Fermain are being put out to tender. I listened to Andy McCutcheon, the principal environment services officer from Agriculture, Countryside and Land Management Services, on Radio Guernsey.
He spoke on the recent landslide of the soft cliff at Fermain and went on to explain about an above average rainfall, but also that they didn’t know what triggered this type of event.
La Vallette steps were destroyed in a landslide, I expect if they could have predicted that landslide, the steps would have been shut to the public before they fell.
We are lucky the landslide hadn’t happened with the massive numbers using the steps on a previous charity walk perhaps.
Further around the coast Petit Bot is an area of frequent landslides over many years and signposted – Danger Falling Rocks – Do Not Attempt To Climb The Cliffs – Stay Clear Of The Base Of The Cliffs.
We spoke to a teacher taking pupils coasteering at Petit Bot, who told us both Education and Land Management thought it safe.
With new States members and considerable evidence of unpredicted landslides is it now time to review the policy of the two committees?