Restricted height of new TV tower problematical
I DID not vote for Deputy Le Tissier, nor have I heard his direct comments on social media.
My only experience of Deputy Le Tissier was in representing the 46 residents of Mount Durand about a TV mast being erected who objected to the proposal. I and our planning consultant were given four minutes to speak. Deputy Le Tissier agreed with my noting that the States had not negotiated with the property owner for an extension. This was confirmed by the UK consultants via video link. The consultants confirmed that the restricted height of the new TV tower would mean that 250 to 500 properties in the Charroterie Valley and the lower part of St Peter Port would not be able to access the tower. The consultants also confirmed the capital cost for the Mount Durand mast is £500,000. I explained that I had personal knowledge of two mast problems in my time in the civil service. One was in Footes Lane and one in Les Eturs. Footes Lane was resolved positively with the landlord and the Eturs problem was resolved with the landowner.
I enquired if there was to be recompense to those affected, the answer was no. The panel voted through the mast by three votes to two, with the chairman casting their vote, which I queried as to whether a tied vote would result.
Deputy Le Tissier was by far the best prepared of the DPA panel. He had a good knowledge of the subject and questioned the two consultants with vigour, as did Deputy Taylor. The other deputies were ill-prepared and uninterested, with little sympathy shown to the residents.
To date therefore I have seen deputies Taylor and Le Tissier perform admirably and the other members less so and with no effort to listen. Mark Ogier from the Press attended the meeting but I have seen no public comment in your fine paper, nor any concerns discussion by the States as a body or the Environment Department.
I was staggered to hear that the planning panel did not report back to the Environment Department with the concerns. Someone should question this poor decision and come up with a solution to what is a major problem.
Mount Durand.