Guernsey Press

It is easy for politicians to say they will be open and transparent...

I SUSPECT most people know that politics is just a game to a lot of politicians. It is only when something unwittingly or unwanted slips out that we get anywhere near the truth.


There is always something going on behind the scenes that the people are not informed about, and it is a well-proven fact throughout history that when decisions are made to look in favour of the people, there will be an underlying issue that favours the rich and harms the poor somewhere along the line.

It is easy to say we are open and transparent and will not lie but it is also easy not to tell everything one knows, and that is the way politicians work.

How many times have we heard a politician say we are going to be, or we should be more open and transparent?

That statement immediately informs people they are not open and transparent because if they were how could they become more so?

As it stands, we now have a deputy not brave enough to openly speak his mind but snipe under a false name on local media pages.

Then we learn that there may be others, and in fact incidents of this nature were reported to the House as far back as 2016 when apparently a blind eye was turned to the allegations instead of being investigated. If the allegations are true one can only think it was because friends of friends were involved and it was brushed under the carpet.

We also heard there will be no census in Guernsey this time around because it will cost too much money. Since when have our politicians ever worried about spending our money? Perhaps it is because they really do not want to know the terrifying total of people on this rock that will prove we are overpopulated, and that is without those who will be living here without being registered and working (being exploited) by getting a well below cost of living wage and working ridiculous hours under the threat that if they do not they will be reported and deported.

I would suggest our government would be better actually taking a look around at what is happening in Guernsey instead of sniping.

We are so incensed with the fact that every child has to be a whizz-kid we are ignoring the fact that we are putting too much pressure on them and causing mental health issues in the young.

We have an island that is untidy and dangerous. One only has to walk down places like Allez Street and Mill Street to see the trip hazards - and even Smith Street where there are dips in the levels that cause a jolt in the back when walking down them.

It is education, education, education.

Stuff the fact the island is in a total mess elsewhere.

So it will go on for another four plus years where the pensioners are given a measly £5 yearly increase. The rich will get richer. Youngsters will be mentally ill under the pressure. We will continue to increase the volume of traffic until the island is brought to a stop, and the population will increase so far beyond the accommodation available, more people will be living on the streets.

The future does not look good and unless the people in power stand up and actually do something about it – starting now – we can only very sadly go one way.


5 Rosemount,

Mont Arrive,

St Peter Port,

GY1 2AF.