Pooches deserve less animosity from the anti-dog brigade
IT IS HIGH time the anti-dog brigade came to grips with the fact that we all live in a small island with many diverse interests in the community, but I really feel that I have to speak up for Guernsey dog owners.
Why do we have dogs?... because we relish the unquestioning love and affection they give us, the loneliness they help us to cope with and also when the going gets tough, their devotion to us helps many of us through a rough patch.
I have owned a variety of pooches throughout the last 50-odd years, many of them walked and swam at Vazon with us and my children. At no time did we ever experience the antipathy prevalent today, mostly, I fear, brought about by people who never had the privilege of owning a dog and having experience of the positive aspects of a dog being by your side. When my husband was diagnosed with a serious illness a few years ago, the fact that I had a faithful and loving dog by my side helped me to cope with all we had to face at that time.
So, the dogs are not the enemy, they have their place in our lives and as such deserve less animosity in what is a small island. So, live and let live.