Guernsey Press

States must reduce spending to below the level of its income

I AM elderly and infirm. My only significant source of income is from a retirement annuity trust scheme.


In this post-Covid, post-Brexit world, prices have risen rapidly but if I take more money from the trust, there may well be too little left to see me off this mortal coil.

This island and I face similar problems. Guernsey only has one significant source of income, the finance industry, and if our government tries to take too big a cut from that industry, it will react decisively and rapidly without even stopping to say ‘goodbye’.

The only available option for me is to keep my spending within the limit of the income I can afford to take from the Rats. For the States, the only option is to reduce spending to below the level of income. If they try any other ‘solution’, the crash when reality strikes will be much worse.

Deputies should not be debating different tax alternatives.

They must be talking to the civil service about the redundancies and loss of financial benefits that are inevitable if a significant part of the service is to stay in employment.

Reduction of the States workforce should be planned and selective. Some States workers carry out essential services to the public.

Their jobs must be protected. Other posts exist only to control ordinary people and interfere with their legitimate activities. Those jobs can go. In some cases, whole departments can go. Many States functions have already been computerised but those who used to do that work are still in post, twiddling their thumbs. That is a labour force that should be released to do income-generating activities.

This States must make a choice. Either cut and cut hard or face inevitable bankruptcy leading to loss of independence.