Guernsey Press

Cost of a day for the Queen is far too high

IT SEEMS our Economic Development committee is suggesting another bank holiday for the Queen.


Am I living in some kind of alternate world, I ask myself? Many businesses have been well and truly hammered over the last two years but, hey, let’s pile on their woes by making them pay for another day off. We are being threatened with dire rises in taxation, perhaps lower public services and a great big black hole, so exactly how much is this going to cost the States alone for manual workers and civil servants to have this day off? Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of pounds? [Editor’s note: The Policy & Resources Committee has advised that the financial implications to the States of an additional public holiday had been estimated to be £600,000 in staff costs].

Let us not forget that those who have to work will possibly be on double time and a day off in lieu to boot.

Exactly how many will spend the day in the pub, how many will be anti-monarchy? The whole idea is a nonsense and P&R should squash it right now. If anyone wishes to celebrate Her Majesty for the day then they can take a day off their holidays.


Trev’s Motorcycles