Guernsey Press

Policy has allowed undetected spread of virus in Guernsey

I DISAGREE with one of the conclusions expressed by the CCA in their meeting of 21 October 2021. It was stated that ‘New Covid cases are coming from within the island rather than from travellers, meaning that there was no need for more travel restrictions at this stage.’


Let us look at the progression in reported Covid cases in Guernsey over the past few weeks.

On 22 September - active cases 76, new cases +4

On 30 September - active cases 79, new cases +6

On 7 October - active cases 82, new cases +8

On 15 October - active cases 158, new cases +19

On 20 October - active cases 233, new cases +34

Dr Brink informs us that they are now detecting levels of the Delta variant and even in some cases of the latest ‘Delta Plus’ variant. It is no coincidence that the rise in cases in Guernsey over the past three months correlates closely with the opening up of our borders and very recently with the incomprehensible decision to allow travellers from the Common Travel Area who are not vaccinated to enter Guernsey with just an unsupervised lateral flow test to take after arrival. Even in Jersey they have not removed this restriction. This reliance on all UK tourists being conscientious, and especially those not vaccinated, does not take into account human nature. Imagine, someone who arrives here on vacation and if he applies the lateral flow test, finds it gives a positive reading. He should report this and book a PCR test for confirmation and go into quarantine awaiting the result (with his family if he is accompanied). He may be reluctant to do so especially, if he or she are not experiencing symptoms. The motivation not to report the positive result will be very strong.

The CCA have stated that their main defence against Covid is vaccination but allowing non-vaccinated travellers to enter Guernsey undermines the effectiveness of this policy.

The CCA wants the citizens of Guernsey to act responsibly – and I am sure they will – but the CCA has also to act responsibly and eliminate this weakness allowing the undetected spread of the virus in Guernsey.