Guernsey Press

Current housing strategies failing

I HAVE been moved by the interesting and telling letter by Danielle Hirst [Housing market out of control, Tuesday 9 November] and its coverage in the media and have my own personal think tank-independent views.


As a disclaimer, nothing I say represents any other States member, civil servant, official, commercial interest or Employment & Social Security member.

I believe radical political policies implemented in a semi-ministerial executive manner are the best ways forward. Thinking and doing the unthinkable too.

The work actually cuts across party silo and ideological lines but I am cautiously impressed by the progress made by the new States Housing Action Group.

Firstly we need to increase the supply of rented accommodation to lease or buy. I would explore selling off elderly States houses when they perhaps fall vacant while building more modern energy-efficient disability-friendly versions elsewhere. Other huge sites like Castel Hospital and the sanatorium should be completely released for housing.

We need a new town at St Sampson’s Leale’s Yard with affordable housing co-ordinated and managed by government.

Government needs to manage the development, too, of some redundant hotel and greenhouse sites.

I think the Guernsey Housing Association does a first-class job very ably but I would still prefer to see competition among housing associations and niche providers. We need more extra-care.

Government should also form a savings and loan bank to support younger people and, yes, have the courage to pick winners. Life isn’t always fair but a market expansion is essential to plug the brain drain.

And we need a modern, fit-for-purpose rent control cadastre policy. We need a social market as the current mix of housing strategies and free market isn’t working, if it was we wouldn’t have a crisis.

States could also help by employing some specialists on teams outside the isle and relocating some functions to Alderney too.