Deputies not doing what they promised
SURELY it is about time our deputies woke up to reality and listened to the people who voted them into the position of sorting the island out and helping the people in need to live as well as the people who are already sitting on a fortune along with themselves.
Giving money to businesses to survive to the extent they tell us we are broke is fine, but then handing a rise to pensioners that is lower than the States themselves have increase their rent and is absolutely disgusting as well as senseless.
Could someone wake them up to the fact that food is going up at an extortionate rate and there are people who have worked hard all their lives, having to choose between heating and eating in this day and age.
Could someone in the clan point out that they are not doing what they promised on the doorstep when they wanted our vote to get into their well overpaid position.
After all, it is not only business people who have to live, and a large majority of them are sitting on a fortune anyway and living off their interest.
OK, most of them may not have made money during lockdowns but most of them (if any) did not lose their fortune. Let’s be honest, the majority put their staff out of work and/so did not have to pay wages and that is probably one of the reasons they are struggling to find staff now.
We are not all stupid enough not to know that the rich are going to look after the rich in this so called day and age of equality.
Perhaps our government could bring in euthanasia and give us old aged pensioners the choice whether we want to be put down or to live on and be starved to death by the rich person’s greed and a government that does not listen to us and help those in real need.
Rod Hamon
5 Rosemount
Mont Arrive
St Peter Port
GY1 2AF.