Guernsey Press

Is anyone else still fearful of this virus?

I’M IN my 70s and feel a need to speak out. I don’t know if there’s people here who are very worried still about Covid. Yes, I’ve had all my Covid injections, but know also that we can still get it. Since November with having a lung problem, with asthma also, if I got Covid I wouldn’t survive due to my breathing capacity. Knowing school teachers, and doctors at the moment, and school children can be carriers and not know that they have it with no symptoms still, the only way since November I get to see my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren is to go and leave biscuits and pop, etc in their shed, or they’ll come to the car and collect them from me, because some grandchildren are in their 30s now.


I’ve longed for a little granddaughter to come and play with the dolls I’ve collected and made clothes and blankets and made little cradles for – all with plastic covering on. We have a daughter who had a little girl, she’s now 19 months old, and each night I pray for this Covid to go away so that one day, in a year or two’s time, she will be able to come and play. Even though I’ve never smoked I have this lung problem. I pray I’ll be here to have her in the house again.

Even Christmas was not the same, we’ve also watched them open our presents, but I’ve been advised to just meet them all at a distance until things really settle down, but at the moment it’s getting worse again. Our little angel cries when she sees us because she’s forgetting us and that hurts so much. And even seeing our older grandchildren, I haven’t visited them either since November.

I miss them all so much. I just gave them money in a card for Christmas and the young grandchildren toys through their car window.

I’d be interested to know, are other people still fearful of this virus? The only way to meet up with anyone is for us all to do daily Covid tests, but with having grandchildren still going to school they could pass it on to us.

Also, this war is very upsetting for everyone. I feel for everyone suffering right now.

Is there anyone like a minister, priest or someone with authority in Guernsey who can start a fund up with a bank here that people can guarantee these donations can be safely used for Ukrainian families to come and visit their families here? Or now they’ve moved to different countries are there any Ukrainian people here who couldn’t afford a plane to be able to visit them? Has anyone here also thought we may have people here who are from Russia and might be frightened of what people think of what their country’s doing? It is not their fault what’s happening in their country.

Can I say that people who come here from other countries are excellent workers in shops and cafes etc. They will go the extra mile for everyone. I’m due to take my things to be donated and posted to Ukraine today – bedding, paracetamol for pain, toiletries etc.

I’ve been asking people for wool to help people knit hats, scarves and baby things for them. If anyone has been keeping used stamps I’d be glad of them for charities, also used Christmas and birthday cards to remake for Age Concern and the Russels Day Centre please, or cards you don’t use anymore.


Carmel House

Rue Cauchez

St Martin’s