Only the answer to prayer will stop wars
MR Rob Davis in his letter of 8 April 2022, ‘Praying will not stop war’, pointed out what he described as a tiny flaw in my original letter of 31 March 2022. I didn’t see the need to clarify which god I was referring too. After all, isn’t every religion based on some form or type of god?
There was no tiny flaw, there was no flaw at all in my statement. Obviously on the part of Mr Davis I didn’t elaborate enough in what I said. Let me clarify and elaborate. First I will define God as being the one true God.
If we all believed in the same god, the one true God: He who is God the Father, God the Word, and God the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. God Almighty; He who spoke the world into existence. Jesus Christ: God manifest in the flesh; he who was born of a virgin and died on the cross as a ransom for His people. If we all believed in and prayed to the one true God then there would be no wars.
Mr Davis’ examples of wars between Catholics and Protestants assumes that both religions are Christian. That they hold to the same beliefs. That they both worship the same god. How can this be the case? If they were and did then they would be as one church. For what reason then would they have to fight?
But Catholics and Protestants are not one and the same. There is a considerable void between what they both believe. Not all who attend a church of God are true believers. Not all churches proclaim the truth or hold to the word of God. These are sad times.
Yes, there have been many so called wars fought under the banner of religion. Most times it was used purely as an excuse. Religion had nothing to do with it. Belief in the one true God does prevent wars, does stop wars. But if we do not believe, if we do not pray, if we do not call upon Him, then how can we expect Him to answer?
The truth is that for the most part the world no longer believes in the one true God. The world instead attempts to play God – and now look at the mess. Man is responsible for the state of the world. Man is responsible, regardless of the banner, the reason or the name, under which any war is fought.
If you do not believe in God, if you are without faith, if you do not believe in the power of prayer, then you are obviously going to come to the same false conclusion as Mr Davis: That praying will not stop war. In one respect Mr Davis is right, prayer alone will not stop war, but the answer to prayer will, does and has. For it is God who answers prayer.
If you sell a man a gun are you responsible for the death of those he kills? You didn’t make that man pull the trigger. Man is responsible for his own actions, not God.
My original letter covered the whys and the wherefores. I don’t think I need to explain or clarify anything any further. It is not just Ukraine that needs our prayers, it is the whole world. Much prayer is needed or many more lives will be lost and not just in this war.
Faith in the one true God goes far beyond providing mere comfort and happiness, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Do you believe in God? Do you turn to him in prayer? Are you saved?
17, Delancey Court
Rue des Monts
St Sampson’s