Guernsey Press

Put North Beach parking underground and create parkland

IT HAS possibly been mooted before, but here’s my personal take on the St Peter Port seafront and environs.


I would propose the demolition of the hideous granite alcoves/edifices along the southern perimeter of the Queen Elizabeth II Marina and replace with relevant tree species and grass over ground level areas.

Secondly, convert the present North Beach car parking area (long overdue) to underground car parking of possibly three to four levels (as in St Malo) and the current surface area into parkland/amenity/children’s play spaces, thus creating a green lung in this part of the town.

This could possibly be funded by paid parking (which I appreciate is not universally popular) but which, if pitched correctly, might be acceptable in the main.

A spin-off of this action could be to help reduce both anxiety and tensions in those people having to drive round and round seeking parking spaces.

I would proffer that this suggestion is not beyond our means and capabilities given talk of an underground passageway along the existing seafront and tunnel connecting us to Jersey (pipe dreams, in all reality) whereas the above is achievable given the will of those in power to do so, need I say more?

Another area ripe for redevelopment is Belle Greve Bay, which, given bold visualisation could be converted by means of infill to create a new marina/yacht harbour, golf course, public amenities and common areas available to all members of society while retaining the current visual aspect over the Little Russel.

Whilst on the subject, we might well consider Havelet Bay as another area suitable for conversion to a yacht haven/marina, possibly with the assistance of public funding.