Why are they not looking at empty hotel sites?
WHY, when they extended the hospital, did our powers that be let the nursing home get demolished and it was not replaced with a new one?
Now they are on about building on green fields. This is not a new problem that exists for essential workers, so why did they not snap up the former Braye Lodge Hotel when it was going? That would have been ideal for hospital staff, instead of building on green fields.
Why don’t they build a high-rise, as was suggested, on the custard castle and then buy the site where Channel Island Tyres was situated and put another high-rise there for essential workers? Surely it is not too hard for them to come up with other sites? You have the Castel Hospital empty, St Margaret’s Lodge Hotel empty, the old Ronnie Ronalde’s empty, all within close proximity to the hospitals – so why are they not looking at these sites?
8, Valnord Estate
Collings Road
St Peter Port