The size of so-called ‘affordable’ accommodation is inadequate
PLEASE, please, please can someone tell the people in the Guernsey Housing Association and perhaps more importantly our States members that the houses they are building for rental accommodation are too small.
Not only are the rooms tiny but to have just the basics of a kitchen and dining room in one, along with a bedroom and a bathroom, the sizes they are building do not make for quality living accommodation.
It certainly does not help peoples mental health living in these tiny places either – especially if occupied by two people.
Also can they get it into their heads that the repeated phrase ‘affordable accommodation’ cuts no ice with the people trying to buy, because they are not actually affordable at all.
Realistically at the end of the day it is the States to blame. Whether it be the housing association or private builders building all these flat packs, or even on occasions building dwellings properly, it is the States that gives permission to build 100 houses on a site that is only suitable for 25 decent-sized liveable ones, or giving permission to build four small rabbit hutch-size places on a site that has had one adequate-size house demolished on it. If you insist on not listening to the people and continue to live in denial, or probably more true to the point ignorance of the facts, you will eventually have a revolt on your hands.
Mind you having said that – at the rate you are driving local people off the island to live elsewhere – perhaps not.
5 Rosemount
Mont Arrive
St Peter Port