Farmers given cash but we take away fields
WALKING around the island, it is clear to see that we are in a mess. Weeds are waist high in places and some areas in this once beautiful island smell horrible. The roads are ruined by heavier vehicles charging around on them and the working classes are being belittled by having to go cap in hand for income support because they cannot manage to pay their way. Thirty-eight-plus people sitting in a room talking a load of rubbish and repeating what the person has already said immediately before them does not help matters either. I don’t feel (and I am not alone) we have any direction under this government at all and as for the best place in the world to live when for many of us we must be challenging to be the worst place to live, it really has become a joke – and not a funny one either.
Just the fact that our government are giving half a million pounds to farmers to help them out is a contradiction in itself. I am not talking about the fact we have had a dry summer and they need help, because that is not up for question.
It’s the fact that our government sees the farmers need help though one eye and yet cannot see (out of the other eye) that it is wrong to destroy fields to build houses on. Can’t anyone in government see that what the hot summer has created for farmers is exactly what taking all the fields away will create for them in the future.
The farmers’ (in fact the whole island’s) future looks bleak under this government and one can only visualise them (the farmers – if there are any left in Guernsey) going cap in hand for money out of the taxpayers’ purse to continue – only (by then) to be told there is no funds.
Clapping one’s hands because there is a cruise ship outside the harbour is not the be and all for this island. We need to go back to basics and stop all this stupid spending on the wrong projects.
Common sense is what is desperately needed right now. There is big money being wasted on things that should and could be stopped.
There is no need to keep knocking down and rebuilding places for the sake of it. Also handing everything over to contractors instead of having our own workforce is not and never was the answer.
The road this island is being led down is one of destruction. You people in government may be sitting pretty but all around you other are struggling. Instead of coming out with quotes like the government is letting or has let the people down, do something about it. We are sinking deeper into the quagmire to the point there will be no way out.