Guernsey Press

No deterrent whatsoever to fly-tipping

I AM WRITING to you because I want to draw attention to a problem which has occurred in the parish of St Martin’s and is a recurring problem all over the island.


Since charging for the removal of black bag rubbish was introduced, it was pretty obvious that the result would be fly-tipping. In our parish there have been good people taking it upon themselves to dispose of some of this rubbish. A pile of rubbish continues to appear at the back of the parking area at the back of the Iceland store. Volunteers have been clearing this, only to find another pile showing up shortly afterwards.

St Martin’s constables have been continually trying to obtain some help with the removal of illegal rubbish but are constantly met with a brick wall, with nobody willing to take responsibility for this.

Fly-tipping throughout the island is now a fact of life. It attracts vermin and is a health hazard. I understand that no prosecutions have been made so there is no deterrent whatsoever to prevent this ongoing problem. Many of the residents of this island will have seen abandoned cars on private land, which have been in situ for a number of years.

Many will also have seen piles of abandoned rubbish.

This is a beautiful island, now being spoiled by fly-tipping. I am using this method of communication in the hope that some of our deputies will take the fly-tipping problem seriously. Right now all of them are simply putting their heads in the sand and nobody will take responsibility. Volunteers and all of the constables are simply being met with a stone wall of silence.

Guernsey is now enjoying cruise liner visits. Do we really want them to take a tour and see piles of abandoned rubbish?

This method of communication is being used in the hope that by reaching out to the voting public, it will persuade at least some deputies to actually do something to sort out what is now a very serious problem.