States representatives, we voted you in... work for us, not you
IN APPRECIATION of Mike Brown’s letter of Wednesday 20 July [I am worried what sort of island my grandchildren will inherit], I know Mike Brown, I know what he has done.
My side of climate changes, i.e. TV programme Big Oil vs The World [BBC2, Thursday 21 July], was about the lies and cheating in America denying climate change by their top politicians in the past and present that sums up our world.
Our government here in Guernsey, in charge of our island, needs to understand the true meaning of our lack of understanding about our responsibilities... yes, we are responsible for looking after our Guernsey re: climate.
London, Paris, everybody knows the temperatures around concrete cities are much higher than natural countryside. Concrete is scientifically known to be a negative substance, so why is Guernsey building so many houses that are, not might, but are going to have tremendous repercussions for us all now, and in the future?
Building houses will never solve the housing ‘crisis’.
‘Green fields’, they’re not cranky misgivings, all natural parts of Guernsey are our saviour... can’t you understand that? If we take the amount of planned houses out of Guernsey’s natural environment it is a disaster waiting to happen.
I have been involved with Guernsey’s nature for many years with La Societe, RSPB, BTO, Trees for Life, Woodland Trust, and States departments, and many more top scientists from all over the world re: swifts, owls, farming et al.
Come on Guernsey, not voting to save one of Guernsey’s wonderful green valleys is disgraceful.
Taking the easy way out always backfires, and innocent children, your grandchildren, will suffer. States representatives, you have responsibilities, we voted you in... work for us, not you.
Le Petit Nid,
Courtil de Bas,
St Sampson’s,