Longer runway would benefit northern isle
The airport runway is such an important subject for Alderney right now. There’s so many opinions floating round.
Yes, we have this amazing quaint little island but we cannot afford to stay completely behind the times, we need to keep progressing and evolving – we need to think of the future of Alderney. Keeping our island alive for future generations.
The runway extension would future proof our lifeline of an airport. This doesn’t mean all will change straight away, nothing will happen overnight but as and when the times comes we can adapt.
In business, schooling, day-to-day life, we are having to evolve and change all the time to keep up with the rest of the world, none of that is taking away from how special Alderney is. We want the next generation to keep the island going – how can we if we can’t commit to their future and future proof the island?
Another huge factor is our lack of medevac service. At this moment in time Aurigny run an air taxi for the patient from one hospital to another. Thank goodness there is such a service but what if there were complications mid-air? Nothing can be done until you land, and let us hope it’s not life threatening.
With an extended runway we can have the medevac service that also serves Guernsey and Jersey. To have a plane kitted out specifically for patients. When there’s a medevac flight, 50% of our fleet is then taken out of action – 100% when only one Dornier is fit to fly. Now of course no one begrudges anyone who has to be medevacked out, but it does cause disruption and delays, someone may be travelling for their own medical appointment. This could be a chemotherapy appointment, all of which Alderney patients have to fly to Guernsey for, and due to a delay one can no longer make it.
These are all factors that Alderney currently faces. An extended runway would make a world of difference for so many reasons, there really is a far bigger picture to see here.
Beth Chapman
Local Alderney family with two young children