Guernsey Press

Why are deputies hell-bent on spoiling things?

I LIVE in the UK and have visited your wonderful island more times than I should admit, first coming in the 1950s, so I have seen many, many changes, some good, some not so, and I have made some good friends along the way.


What I really can’t understand is why, it seems to me, there is a hell-bent reason to try and change the island – over the last few months I’ve read about charging for parking spaces/multi-storey, building a much bigger harbour between St Peter Port and St Sampson’s, and now I read about a proposed wind farm off the west and south coast. In the words of the tennis player John McEnroe, ‘you cannot be serious’. Why are your deputies, like our politicians, hell-bent on spoiling things? – oh yes, they think they know best, and pretend to have everyone’s interest at heart, but you only have to look at the mess the UK is in to know that’s a load of nonsense.

My thoughts on these recent proposals are as follows: car parking, yes, I realise it’s a problem, has been for years. Charging isn’t the way forward though, what starts at, say, £1 will soon escalate over and over – trust me I’ve seen this so often, soon you would be paying many pounds for a couple of hours.

A larger harbour, why? Obviously to get bigger ships in, why? Cruise ships? They only want to stop off for a short time for passengers to disembark for a while to spend money. When will Guernsey wake up and realise there isn’t much on offer to the visiting holiday-makers? Hence why hotels, B&Bs and self-catering establishments have fallen by the wayside.

The wind farm, apart from creating an appalling outlook, ruining the beautiful coastline. Don’t be fooled this will mean cheap energy, it costs a fortune to build these – in the UK we have many coastal wind farms, solar farms and water turbines in our many rivers – the cost of energy hasn’t fallen, in fact it increases all the time.

I urge you Guernsey people don’t get sucked in to all this before your wonderful island is spoilt for ever – always remember, your deputies, like our politicians, are voted in to serve the people, but do they?

Obviously there will be people who disagree with this and say, who am I to voice these comments? I would say, I’m someone who comes to the island and helps towards your economy.

If these awful proposals get approved I probably won’t much longer.

A J Slater