Guernsey Press

A statue of the Duke of Normandy is a fitting tribute

WOULD this not be the right time to correct the campaigners for a statue of the late Queen Elizabeth the Second of England to be placed somewhere within the town of St Peter Port, on the island of Guernsey?


The late Elizabeth Windsor was never our Queen, the Channel Islands as a whole have never had a monarchy.

William the Conqueror, aka Duke of Normandy, became King William the First of England following the battle of Hastings in 1066.

This was at a time when the realm of France consisted of the Isle de Paris.

The Channel Islands remained under the control of the kings of England until the reign of King John gave them the right of self control as a reward for the islands choosing not to become part of the growing kingdom of France.

A statue of Elizabeth Windsor, Duke of Normandy was the correct title of this great lady, placed in the Market Square would be a great way to honour our Duke for 70 years.

A statue to honour Queen Elizabeth the late Queen of The United Kingdom and its Commonwealth should not be placed anywhere in Guernsey as it would be as inappropriate as placed ones of the king of Spain, Belgium or Thailand.


Flat 11

Les Gravees Court

Les Gravees

St Peter Port