The rally can only diminish the quality of island life
WE ARE writing in response to the Opinion published on Friday 2 December [Threats to rally sad for island life]. Not only is the author misinformed, they also seem out of touch with the world as it is now.
The event does not take place for only a few hours. When it was proposed that the St Pierre du Bois route should pass through our neighbourhood, residents were told that they would not be able to go out of their properties for the best part of a day. This was because going out would endanger the lives of the residents who live along the route.
No consideration was given to the fact that those who receive services such as Meals on Wheels and community nurses would be unable to access these services. Neither was any consideration given to the fact that there might be those who work from home or are on-call living along the route. It is nonsense to say that there is no danger to pets, it is impossible to explain to a country cat that it’s not a good idea to go out of doors. Furthermore no consideration was given to the danger to the wildlife that inhabits the country parishes.
Concerns were also expressed about the additional wear and tear on country roads which are not always in the best condition anyway. Alongside this, there were issues in regard to what would happen if private property was damaged, either by those participating in the race or those who come to watch. It’s one thing for the organisers to claim they are fully insured, it’s quite another to deal with insurers following a claim.
If all this was not enough, is the author of this article oblivious to the fact that we live in a time when we are trying to cut down our reliance on petrol and indeed it is intended that there will be no petrol-powered cars produced in about six years time? The rising cost of fuel and the pollution caused by petrol-driven cars are reminders that society needs to change and adapt to live more harmoniously with the environment.
Finally, people who live in the country parishes do so because they want a rural, peaceful way of life. Tourists visit Guernsey because they too are looking for a tranquil setting in which to spend their holiday. Island life is about quality and the rally can only diminish the quality of island life.
Coin des Arquets
Les Arquets
Rue de Catillon
St Pierre du Bois