Guernsey Press

Our seafront could become one of the best

I have waited until my 60th year in Guernsey before making the following suggestions. Sixty years of paying income tax and working for local sport, the two combined in my opinion entitles me to, as an outsider, an opinion.


1. So let’s look at the seafront for starters. In my opinion it should be traffic-free with a circular road going up the Avenue through Queen’s Road and down Fountain Street. Too narrow for buses I hear you say? Correct, so make the buses smaller, I have not seen them full in years.

Obviously the front must be open for suppliers to the shops and restaurants so let’s make it traffic-free from say 10am onwards.

2. Make the Crown Pier pedestrians only. I can hear the shouts now, what about my car? Don’t worry because we could put a second floor on the North Beach. Look how neat the car park at B&Q looks. Check the following figures: 140 spaces lost on the Crown, but 430 gained at the North Beach, net gain approximate 290 parking spaces, not bad eh?

3. Now we have cleared the Crown of the accursed car what can we do with it? Let’s fill it with granite flower beds and granite seating (vandal-proof) as memorials and probably donated, alfresco eating (we already have a superb restaurant in the shape of the Boathouse), maybe a small bandstand, a statue of Major Brock, and a real novelty could be a Speaker’s Corner with a lectern for would-be and current politicians.

4. Drain the careening hard, clean it up and possibly hold evening swimming galas and water polo there. This could be achieved by adding a gate to the inner harbour that ensures that the hard is always full.

In my early days on the island water polo was a very popular sport, it could be again.

5. I totally support the suggested alterations to the harbour. I know the cost is probably prohibitive but combined with my suggestions I feel that our seafront could, combined with its natural beauty, become one of the best in the south west of England, if not the United Kingdom.

Graham Skuse

At Hyd Y Nos

Courtil Olivier


GY5 7 RJ