Guernsey Press

The electoral process and form of government are both dysfunctional

I agree entirely with two excellent letters you published in your Monday 13 February edition from Marguerite Talmage and Richard Corbin on electoral process and government.


The electoral process and form of government in Guernsey are both dysfunctional.

The review of the Scrutiny Management committee is therefore most welcome.

I will be amazed if it does not demonstrate a high level of dissatisfaction with what we have in place today.

The problem is that even if the committee recommends change, it says it cannot take place before the next election in June 2025.

Assuming an election cycle of the same term as the present one the next administration will serve until January 2030 – over seven-and-a-half years away.

That is completely unacceptable if the electoral process is deemed not to be fit for purpose.

Over two years is plenty of time to consult and make change if sufficient priority is given to the issues.

Guernsey is notorious for indecision and delay but this subject is so important for our future that we cannot afford to be left with over another seven-and-a-half years of the present dysfunctional political system.

Doug Johnstone

Le Val de Putron

Fermain Road


St Peter Port