Guernsey Press

How can failure ever be defined as a success?

SO OUR chief minister does not believe his proposal to bring in GST that was thrown out by the States can be looked on as a failure. Surely we can all at least be honest in respect that failure is the lack of success in doing or achieving something. A failure to perform a duty or expected action cannot be defined as success. Unfortunately the chief minister, who is being singled out by a lot of his so-called colleagues, is not the only one failing the people. It is a well know tactic that if you point the finger at someone else it directs the attention of others away from oneself. I am not a fan of our chief minister but the rest of the clan are not exactly blameless for not sorting things out. At the end of the day our deputies are only a committee formed at an election by the people to do what is right for the island and its people. They are elected on their promises that they always renege on anyway – so we should not be surprised at the failures that regularly occur. There is a sure way of getting nothing done and that is to form a committee and that’s where we are. So in a nutshell we have a committee known to us as deputies and they cannot agree. To put it into perspective – in a tug of war team all the members have to pull the rope the same way. After all no team can win if some members choose to push it, and unfortunately we have groups of individuals who are doing just that. There are too many clashes of personalities in this group of deputies that are trying to punch above their weight and want to dictate. Something that will never get a committee or politicians anywhere because they start rebelling against each other and fight to get others on their side – therefore concentrating on defeating an opponent within – and not focusing on the job in hand that they are all elected to do, like sorting things out and making decisions for the good of the people and Guernsey. Sorry, but you have failed the people again. It is not a vote of no confidence that is needed against one individual. It is a vote of no confidence that is needed against all of you. All your talking and wasted hours of taxpayers’ money to come out with some of the rubbish spoken over six days of debate – then actually stay into the night on the last day because people were standing up time and time again saying what someone had said before – then not to come up with anything towards solving the problems you and your predecessors have gotten us into – for a lot of us is a crime against the people who have put their trust in you.



5 Rosemount

Mont Arrive

St Peter Port