Inferring that the majority of OAPs don’t need a reasonable cost of living rise is shocking
I AM DEEPLY hurt/shocked by Chief Minister Peter Ferbrache’s comments regarding raising the old age pension, inferring that the majority of OAPs have no need of a reasonable cost of living rise, as they enjoy large private income/funds.
Most of Guernsey OAPs were born on the cusp of World War Two and the stark hardships after occupation of our beloved islands. They have worked very hard building Guernsey’s finances back up to today’s standard. They are extremely proud and will not ask for subsidies, even denying themselves medical help when a visit to the doctor and nurse will cost them a week’s pension. Not wanting the embarrassment of having to prove their lack of funds through a means test.
I also agree that it is very sad that a number of our Guernsey OAPs have left the island, it is not that they want to leave, but that they are priced out.
What has Guernsey come to turning their back on the Guernsey people that have rebuilt it after the war?
J Lowe