Guernsey Press

Keep two popular swimming beaches dog-free for good

FIRSTLY, I am a dog lover. However, I’m always so relieved when 1 May comes around and we can enjoy the majority of our beautiful bays without the worry of a dog barking or jumping up at you whilst you’re trying to have a leisurely walk across the beach. I know most people do have control over their dogs when not on a lead but unfortunately there are some dog owners who do not and they let them run off and cause havoc. It can be very scary for people who have a fear of dogs when one comes bounding over, jumping or barking at them, especially if they have children or babies to protect.


Since the pandemic there are a lot more people now who go swimming throughout the year and, given this, I do think now is an appropriate time to amend our laws on this ruling and keep a couple of our most popular swimming beaches, such as Cobo and Port Soif, dog-free permanently. This would also be less of a worry for swimmers who leave their belongings at the top of the beach whilst swimming as they won’t have to fear coming back to find a dog has been rummaging through, or worse, decided to use them as a toilet. I have heard that this has happened.

There are plenty of beaches for people to take their dogs on and this would be a happy solution for dog owners and people who enjoy the beach for other leisurely activities.

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