Guernsey Press

Deputies should back reopening Herm School

READING the Guernsey Press re the ongoing situation with the schoolchildren of Herm, I beg to think that our Education department has lost the plot.


It has now been revealed that Education is advertising for someone to act as a passenger assistant on the boat and also to be available at other times.

I understand that this is all about now not having a teacher at the Herm School.

I thought our States was going to cut civil servants down under the payroll.

Now we see a problem should the boats fail to operate due to bad weather.

We also see that the technology equipment has already been removed from the school.

Has Education given any thought for these children involved, what must they be thinking being pulled this way and that, also the parents?

The school in Herm has operated for many years very successfully, seriously why the change?

Does ESC know what education is costing the taxpayer?

All the money wasted or due to be in transforming our system. I blame all those politicians who voted to end the 11-plus system, as since then Education has been a disaster.

As the old saying goes, ‘if it works then leave it alone.’ Best of luck to Deputy De Lisle with his requete to turn this Herm situation around back to where it was before, and hope many deputies will all stand behind him.



Rue des Frieteaux

St Martin’s