Guernsey Press

States dead set on killing off the island one way or another

A SLIP of the tongue and the truth be told of just how the States of Guernsey views the local population. We want you dead rather than to live.


What they mean is when you reach the stage of requiring palliative care, you’re a burden on the States. While you are able to provide as part of the island workforce, and are not a drain on States resources, you’ve a right to live. For now. But when the time comes in your life when you become reliant on the States for whatever reason, it’s time to consider assisted dying.

And as per the States after a public outcry, they immediately withdraw assisted dying from the agenda. Why? We know that the States will put it back on the table again at some time when they feel things have quietened down again. They’ve been doing this for years with GST, they are dead set on killing off the island one way or another.

Assisted dying, just like abortion when it was first introduced, was safeguarded with laws that protected the innocent. Now abortion is open to abuse. The unborn child is no longer protected whilst in the womb at all. Abortion is available on a whim, and soon, if not already available, right up to full-term.

And when the States finally brings in assisted dying, and it will, what then? Yes, there will be safeguards, just like with abortion. You will have to be extremely ill and in a lot of pain, not expected to live. And yes, there will be those who under those circumstances will welcome the relief offered through the process.

Then what? Just like abortion it will become more and more easier to obtain. Then, as in countries that have already introduced assisted dying, the number of elderly admitted into hospital who do not come out alive will increase. They will unexpectedly pass away. In such countries the elderly are now afraid of going into hospital.

And of course, it won’t stop there. At some point it will become mandatory. Just like with abortion, anything wrong with the unborn child and that unborn child’s life is terminated. There now exists a list of illnesses that the unborn are automatically recommended for termination.

And so it will eventually become the norm for any person who becomes permanently debilitated at any stage of their life. Life no longer holds any value in the world we live in. Today, no one blinks an eye. Look at us now, all going about our everyday life, while there are wars being fought and not just on our doorstep. And we act as if we don’t care.

One day assisted dying will be part of normal life. Retire from work and you’ll have six months to get your house in order. Say your goodbyes and that will be your lot. Yes, the world today doesn’t care, but wait for tomorrow and see what happens in respect of one’s life. As part of the local population we’re being viewed more and more as if we were a herd of cattle by the States of Guernsey.

The young that are of no requirement are butchered and the old are destroyed when they are no longer viable. And just like a horse that breaks a leg is shot, because it is seen as being kinder. We will have assisted dying being viewed in a similar way. You won’t have to suffer the pain, and your family won’t have to face the burden that you might become. Man’s intolerance, one towards the other, will continue to increase. Love will become a thing of the past towards anyone, but yourself. Isn’t that pretty much the view of the world today?

The sad thing is this world isn’t going to get any better. It’s been getting worse at an alarming rate year after year. What the world needs isn’t what the world offers or wants. This island is no different. As Satan said, ‘You will be as gods’. And man has taken that literally, rather than what was meant. In that, ‘You will have the knowledge of good and evil’.

And the world chooses evil over good and no longer looks to serve God, but instead without realising it follows after the king of this world, the devil. God said that we are to love one another and today that is becoming a rarity, even within families.

With the prospect of both abortion and assisted dying being opened up to the masses, there will be little time left for living. And what of your never-dying soul? There will be even less time to find salvation in the one true saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Sadly, today so few believe. What if… God… exists?

Have you considered the peril you will find yourself in, if indeed God does exist? Assisted dying will not bring the expected relief. Instead it will serve only to usher in the dying into hell sooner, rather than later. Now is the time to say no to assisted dying, before it is thoughtlessly introduced by the States, who in reality see it as a money saver.

The States of Guernsey rarely considers the likely consequences beyond their term in government.


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