Guernsey Press

Can I get open answer to my open letter?

On Tuesday 24 October you published a letter from me under the heading: Do the costs of net zero outweigh the benefits?

Last updated

I had actually headed my letter: An open letter to the Policy & Resources Committee and the Committee for Environment & Infrastructure, and I hand-delivered a copy to each committee on the day I submitted my letter to you.

As I received no reply nor even an acknowledgement, I emailed each president to ask them why.

Our chief minister was very apologetic but a month and three emails later I still have not received a reply, although one is still promised.

The president of E&I has been the most communicative, however, and I would guess we have had an exchange of about twenty emails and a further few with her deputy president. Nonetheless, despite a couple of very specifically, defined questions and despite requests for a written answer, I have only repeatedly been offered a meeting to discuss my concerns.

I am therefore repeating through your column that I would like an open answer to my open letter, from each committee, as soon as possible. I can understand that perhaps every point may not be answered but if nothing else, the primary information I would like, is to know the cost of E&I’s net zero programme, against its budgeted cost for the years 2022 to 2024 inclusive.

Whilst writing, may I briefly answer Tony Lee’s letter of criticism (Tuesday 14 November). He does not recognise that Guernsey is already achieving a better environmental position than most of the world’s jurisdictions and, like me and the rest of the island’s population, he has no idea of the cost of our net zero programme and how affordable it is, set against the benefit produced in world terms.

His damning of my views on cycling was one that was devoid of reasoned argument and has resorted entirely to denigration. Such a stance would lose any proper debate - and has done in this instance.

Geoff Dorey

Les Queux, Ruette des Effards, Castel, GY5 7DQ