Guernsey Press

Sort out our road issues before somebody is hurt

Road bumps, especially the one located adjacent to St Andrew’s Church, Courtil St Jacques, and various other locations pose a serious threat to motorbike riders like myself. I have only been riding for around five months now but in that time, I have noticed how there are many bumps out there that pose more danger than safety benefits. Some pose serious risk to motorcycle riders who may not know the area or the road well or riders who cannot notice signage put in place to warn of these bumps. For instance, if a motorcyclist who is new to the roads, or even well-experienced, couldn’t see any signs or notice a change in the road surface he or she could end up seriously injured. While it may not have ever happened before, the risk is still lingering, waiting to catch some unlucky rider out. I believe that some road bumps must be removed and instead there should be either speed restrictions, speed cameras or another much safer way of reducing the traffic’s speed without putting other people’s lives at risk. This includes both road users and pedestrians. I have seen many examples across the UK and America of efficient ways that can reduce the speed of traffic without posing a major risk to all parties.

Last updated

I understand that the States no longer has as many staff as it once did, but I still believe that taxpayers should receive equality in services that the States provide, as so much is paid to them on a yearly basis. Sticking to the side of road users’ safety, our road infrastructure is nothing but appalling. Not only is it terrible for tourists to see but it is also dangerous to both cars and mainly motorcycles. This includes, potholes and manhole covers which don’t have sufficient grip for tyres of any sort. We have all seen many accidents across the world where motorcyclists or cars have spun out, which has led to serious injuries or sometimes, even death. I have seen how awfully positioned our manhole covers are. They are most dangerous on corners or roads where manoeuvrability is needed in order to navigate them. Yet again, taxpayers contribute too much for there to be so many problems with our roads. Potholes are dangerous in many ways. Science shows that potholes cause one in five motorcyclists to crash or sustain damage from them. I understand that the States is in debt, but in circumstances like this, they are the ones that we are paying to keep our island up to standards.

As well as this, the obscene amount of rubbish and rubble laying in our roads is just unbelievable. Motorcyclists are encouraged to avoid this, but it is almost impossible. Bags, sticks, rocks and many other items laying in our roads can easily cause an accident with ease. I have experienced this twice before along the seafront where bags have been caught in the wheel and locked up my brakes. This is not safe. Islanders can’t live with this, it is a very dangerous prospect.

With the up-and-coming spring holidays and approaching summer holidays, we must get these things sorted because the weather isn’t nice for long, so when it is, these problems must be addressed before the poor weather comes again. These things are not safe for anyone on the roads, and the most vulnerable, motorcyclists, are at the forefront of all the dangers.

Luke Collins