Guernsey Press

Fermain Bay Beach Cafe – is no news good news?

SINCE collecting more than 3,000 signatures supporting the current tenant of the Fermain Bay Beach Cafe in his bid to renew his lease, and to stop the redevelopment of the cafe into a two- or three-storey commercial building as suggested by the States, I have been inundated with calls, emails and even letters asking me what is happening at Fermain. Not only have I heard from islanders simply wondering what decision has been made, but several tenants of other States-owned premises have contacted me expressing legitimate concerns about what will happen to them at the end of their tenancies. Two individuals who were thinking of taking on premises are now unsure if they want to invest time, effort and money into something which could be simply taken away from them at the end of their lease.


Unquestionably Bel and Manuela have maintained and improved the beach cafe premises, the toilets, and the surrounding area beautifully for 21 years, and have built up a fiercely loyal clientele. Unfortunately neither Bel, Manuela nor I have heard anything further even though their lease ends in a matter of weeks. I therefore suggest that any interested parties should direct their enquiries to the States director of estates, based at Sir Charles Frossard House.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who signed the petition, and went out of their way to support Bel and Manuela. They are extremely grateful and are still amazed at the strength of feeling and support for them.


Sea Pines

Village de Putron