Guernsey Press

Lack of care shown by airline has made sure we will not return

THIS is a copy of a letter I have sent to Nico Bezuidenhout at Aurigny.


I feel compelled to write to you about the appalling treatment we have received from Aurigny Air Services.

My husband and I flew to Guernsey on 7 July for a short holiday. Our return flight to Birmingham was booked for 12.55 on 12 July. We arrived at the airport in good time, checked in and duly boarded the aircraft. We moved a short distance, stopped and were returned to the gate where we were told to disembark.

After some time we were called to the departure desk to be told we would no longer be flying to Birmingham that day as a smaller plane was to make the flight and not everyone could go. When I asked how they decided who to remove I was told it was the first 12 couples to have checked in. Surely it should have been the last 12 couples?

Things then went from bad to worse. We reclaimed our hold luggage and went back to the customer service desk. There we were told that we would be unable to join a flight to Birmingham for several days but we could fly to Liverpool the next morning. When I asked how we would then get from Liverpool to Birmingham to pick up our car the response was a shrug of the shoulders. I said we would take a taxi and reclaim the expenses to be told ‘Good luck with that’.

We were given no advice or guidance on what to do next so we went back to the hotel we had been staying at. They managed to find a room for us for the night. In total we are £652.04 out of pocket.

We had to pay for taxis, hotel room, meals and excess parking fee. We are both over 75 and quite frankly could have done without all the hassle and stress!

My husband submitted a claim form as requested on your website. As we are unable to scan documents he then posted the original receipts with a covering letter which was sent ‘signed for’ post, so we know it has been received. We were told we would receive a response within 28 days and we have heard nothing.

I can assure you that we will not be returning to the Channel Islands. We have visited many times over the years but the lack of care and respect shown by your airline has made sure we will not return and we will be warning our friends to think twice about flying Aurigny to Guernsey.

I hope you will ensure that we received the money due to us plus the 250 euros per person compensation mentioned in your customer charter.

I am sending a copy of this letter to the chief minister of Guernsey and the Lt-Governor. I will also be contacting the travel editors of the Daily Telegraph and the Guardian.