Guernsey Press

Start governing for the people and less for self-gratification

I’M FAIRLY certain that there would be few people who would disagree that individuals in a position of influence and responsibility, especially politicians, should from time to time, take a good long hard look in the mirror. Now of course, I don’t mean for vanity sake or for grooming/hygiene purposes. I am referring to the process called self-evaluation.


It is remarkable that many of our political elite can still hold their heads up after proposing and pushing for a GST last year, while the States of Guernsey 2023 finances were showing a surplus of about £63m. Yet here we are again, a new debate upon us. The stench of this whole debacle completely oblivious to certain elected members.

It should not come as a surprise that the leading exponent on the merits of this proposed tax is none other than an ex-president of HSC. Yes, the very same committee whose mis-management of public funds over the years, including a projected project overspend of £30m. this year, has in no small part turned an expected surplus of about £11m. into a £24m. deficit for 2024. This is before the expected £5m. overspend on their ‘flagship’ IT system. This inherent rot is not exclusive to HSC.

Let’s not forget the recent £9m. spent on a school for a four-year period, partly in order to house hairdressing study areas, only now to have been reduced to a pile of rubble.

The States of Guernsey currently employs approximately 5,000 plus civil servants. That is around one for every 12/13 individuals in Guernsey. The UK Government employs 513,000 plus civil servants, a ratio of one for every 133 or so members of its population. If the States of Guernsey were to adopt the same ratio per capita, we would actually be able to save something in the order of £200-250m. per year. Never going to happen though, will it? So, after a period of self evaluation and reflection, some our States members should be hanging their heads in shame. Increasing or introducing taxes will destroy growth and employment opportunities. Just start governing for the people and less for self-gratification and personal interest, spend what you can afford… and maybe… just maybe… you’ll get re-elected.

Mercer Till