States appears content to pile on more things for us to pay for
I’M WRITING in response to your front page article about how households have got 10% poorer in real terms (30 December).
I would say it’s more than that to be honest, and with the impending introduction of GST it’s bound to get worse.
This is going to lead to multiple problems in the future, if not already.
n Those on benefits will definitely not want to get off them as in real terms the incentive is just work harder for a lot less.
n The working class base will shrink as some just give up and move away, and others will join what seems to be an expanding group ‘on the sick’.
n The government refuses to tackle the base reasons for this, which are a lack of affordable decent properties to rent, let alone buy, and our tax system means workers or millionaires living on a day-to-day basis pay the same. I know they pay more in tax in the end but they are in a position to well afford it. Workers and those on fixed incomes like pensioners notice every penny leaving their pocket.
n The general cost of living over here is much higher than in the UK. It seems we pay more for everything which sadly affects the Town because with the exorbitant rents they have to pay, they just can’t compete with the internet and have suffered accordingly.
The States have taken no positive action to save the Town – they seem to be content to just let it slip away.
n The tourist industry is virtually non-existent compared to what it was only three decades ago and yet Jersey still has one. They also still have a growing industry with Jersey Royal potatoes and like us have a finance industry as well.
Our travel links are a joke and everybody is paying for loss-making entities that some never use.
We have put all our eggs in one basket now it seems, relying solely on finance. If times change, and they are, and the banks move on, then we are in real trouble.
The lack of government is appalling. This last States has been terrible, only content it seems to pile on more things for us to pay for with no creative thought or help those that are steadily sinking year-on-year into more debt.
All they seem to be happy doing is keeping the rich well off while letting its own people down, the majority of people I should say.
We can only hope the next term the people standing actually takes notice of what the population really want instead of telling us things at multiple hustings meetings and then doing something completely different when they get into their guaranteed safe jobs for the next few years.
Martin Bishop