No point in advertising to come and live here when there’s a lack of housing
WE ALL make errors in judgment, but if that error is repeated, it becomes a mistake. Our government and its dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something after making errors is a perfect example of this. Over the past three and a half years in office, with many deputies sitting in the house for years before this term, we still find our once lovely way of life going backwards. The sadistic circle continues term after term and the drive to make the Guernsey person powerless, helpless, hopeless and defenceless, causing physical and mental health problems build on the health service that our deputies insist they are trying to help. How on earth deputies can sit in the house and insist their actions are good governance is to say the least, baffling. Good governance ensures transparency, demands accountability and promotes efficiency. All something this and previous governments have not produced even though they insist they have. I am not a racist in any way, but Guernsey being advertised across the world as a multi-cultural place to live, when in fact it never has been and asking people to come and live here when we are already so overpopulated, shows a complete lack of common sense. Surely one does not have to be a member of Mensa to understand the pointlessness of advertising for people to come and live in Guernsey when we are already so overpopulated. Why add more when there are not enough houses to accommodate everyone now? We already have people sleeping in their cars and sofa surfing. Also, the fact that schools have been closed and pulled down points strongly to the possibility that we will have to build some again because the population is growing through imported people so much if we don’t, there will be classrooms of 50-plus pupils in them. We have a hospital that cannot cope now so at some time another will have to be built because of the influx of people. We have an ageing population that is always being blamed by our deputies for them having no money in the pot and yet they are creating more for the future. Things really do have to change – and as quick as possible. The mistakes have been made but not corrected and because of this Guernsey people are leaving their place of birth to form a better life elsewhere and that has to be the saddest thing of all that our deputies have chosen to turn their heads on. Guernsey is heading for a place with no farms because all the green fields will be taken away for houses. Okay, it may take time but eventually the island will be a complete concrete overcrowded place, and children will only know animals and green land through pictures. What a future for your children’s children to look forward to. I have to say that because of the total joke of a voting system and the lack of good governance, along with the fact that there are so many people now interested in standing for election because the money involved for being elected – and no chance of being replaced by the public for four years even though they are not in it for the good of the island. Like Neil Thornton – who’s letter in the Press was absolutely spot on – after decades of voting I will not be doing so this time around.
5 Rosemount
Mont Arrive
St Peter Port