A resolution agreed by the States and Alderney needs to be implemented urgently
I WELCOME Edward Hill’s response to my letter which you published recently on Guernsey’s financial relationship with Alderney.
Yes the figures are complicated but if one takes the States of Guernsey ‘estimated accounting’ Alderney deficit of £8.5m. and add in the £2m. Aurigny PSO subsidy for the Alderney sector flights, then a £10m. starting point for discussion seems reasonable.
However Mr Hill is correct when he asserts that the basis for any meaningful discussion between the islands must be based on accurate information. The question is, how to obtain authoritative and independent accurate data?
Clearly this can only be organised by a resolution agreed by the States of Guernsey and Alderney. However this resolution needs to be implemented urgently as I fear the good neighbour relationship between the two islands may become irreparably damaged if their financial arrangements are not rapidly clarified.
Urgency is also required because of the immediate problem of the Alderney runway repairs. Even now it appears the £24m. figure mentioned by Mr Hill appears to include the unnecessary widening of the runway from 18 to 23 metres.
With goodwill on both sides these issues can be reasonably resolved.