Lack of building sites? What about the King Edward, Leale’s Yard and Nocq Road vinery?
HEARING a deputy saying that the States building houses had slowed or stopped over the last two years because of the lack of sites to build on was really surprising. What about the King Edward site that has been left to rot – the Leale’s Yard and the Nocq Road vinery site, for starters?
All the time we hear from our deputies how they have failed over the last four years to fulfil their promises but then even with so little time left in office before an election they carry on in the same way and do nothing. Standing telling the House we have been a government that has dilly-dallied does not get it done and telling the public is a total waste of time because they are only telling us what we already know, and have actually been telling them for years. The bathing pools are obviously earmarked to be filled in at some stage and this is why, bit by bit, they are destroying pieces of it and letting it get run down. The children’s pool is always empty and the rest of them leak like a basket. Each year they get worse and in the end the States will say they are in a dangerous condition and we do not have the money to repair them, so they will have to go. It is amazing how projects are put on hold for tens of years because we have no money, yet the old St Peter Port School became a pile of rubble in no time and makeshift homes will be put on the site for more imported labour. Let’s face up to the truth that this once beautiful island people flocked to for holidays is finished as a popular destination to visit, and it is now totally ruined for the local person. Our States have, for many years, now sold us down the river. They have made ridiculous decisions on spending and even given our money away. Condor is a prime example. We buy them a boat and lend them millions, and now they are selling a boat. Should we not be asking them for our money back if they do not need as big a fleet? Everything our States has a hand in seems to run at a loss and no one is ever taken to task or will hold their hands up and be held accountable.
Does anyone out there really think they can save this island from the ruin it is in now? I believe even if there is a person with the best intentions elected at the next election, they will soon find out they will be pulled in line by the old guard that will be voted back in, even though many have been there for years and have played a massive part in bringing us down. I would suggest most of the people standing for election nowadays see the money and not the massive job in hand. I know there are pages and pages these deputies have to read because of all the laws and proposals and counter proposals and they may do a lot more than the new electorate believes, but it is the actual decision making and waffle in the house that is the downfall, and they will never change that.
We became stale many years ago and no one has come in and changed anything.
I do not think anyone will come in at this late stage of the destruction of Guernsey and willingness to kill off our traditions and alter the humiliation of the working person who was not lucky enough to have the hand dealt them to save or buy a property, and now has to go cap in hand for money to live because all their pension is being taken away to pay their rent. Believe me, it is demoralising when a deputy is told these things and they belittle us by saying 'we know how you feel'. You absolutely do not.
5 Rosemount
Mont Arrive
St Peter Port