The DPA seems hell bent on using green field sites
READING the Guernsey Press the main discussion point again is all about housing, badly needed and where to put it.
Once again many islanders agree that housing is needed but some of the DPA’s suggested decisions are very questionable. It seems to be hell bent on using green field sites with no consideration.
Let’s take St Martin’s area – over the past few years they have given permission to build on green fields, as an example just a few years ago green field farming at (Les Blanche) behind St Martin’s Surgery, pure farmland, then in the Oberlands, again green field.
Now we see building opposite Valpys on the side of the main car park which was a green field with horses not so long ago. Now the other side of the car park is on their hook. I remember not so long ago this was a putting green site. Also top of the Rue des Frieteaux, the Steam Mill Lane site which used to have an old vinery. This site is now full of trees, shrubs, hedging and wildlife.
Our DPA is pouncing on areas without any real thought. The old St Martin’s Hotel site is perfect, also the St Margaret’s Lodge Hotel, many homes could be built there, no problem.
The DPA has a difficult balance on housing versus green fields.
We still await the DPA version of what is classed as affordable – there is no such thing today.