Guernsey Press

South Korea simulates attack on North Korea nuclear site after test

The move comes a day after Pyongyang detonated its largest-ever nuclear test explosion.

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South Korea has fired missiles into the sea to simulate an attack on North Korea’s main nuclear test site, a day after Pyongyang detonated its largest-ever nuclear test explosion.

South Korea’s defence ministry also said North Korea appeared to be planning a future missile launch, possibly of an ICBM, to show off its claimed ability to target the United States with nuclear weapons.

The US had warned North Korea of a “massive military response”.

The most recent and perhaps most dramatic advance came on Sunday in an underground test of what leader Kim Jong Un’s government claimed was a hydrogen bomb, the North’s sixth nuclear test since 2006.

The United Nations Security Council is planning to hold its second emergency meeting about North Korea in a week to discuss responses to the test.

South Korean soldiers
South Korean soldiers on a military exercise (Ahn Young-joon/AP)

In Seoul, Chang Kyung-soo, an official with South Korea’s defence ministry, told MPs it was seeing preparations in the North for an ICBM test.

Mr Chang also said the yield from the latest nuclear detonation appeared to be about 50 kilotons, which would mark a “significant increase” from North Korea’s past nuclear tests.

In a series of tweets, US president Donald Trump threatened to halt all trade with countries doing business with North Korea – a warning to China – and faulted South Korea for what he called “talk of appeasement”.

South Korea's mobile misslie defence system
(PA graphic)

In response, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, told reporters in Beijing that China regarded as “unacceptable a situation in which on the one hand we work to resolve this issue peacefully but on the other hand our own interests are subject to sanctions and jeopardised. This is neither objective nor fair”.

South Korea’s military said its live-fire exercise was meant to “strongly warn” North Korea. The drill involved F-15 fighter jets and the country’s land-based “Hyunmoo” ballistic missiles firing into the Sea of Japan.

The target was set considering the distance to North Korea’s test site and the exercise was aimed at practising precision strikes and cutting off reinforcements, Seoul’s joint chiefs of staff said.

The precise strength of the underground nuclear explosion is not yet clear.

South Korea’s weather agency said the artificial earthquake caused by the explosion was five times to six times stronger than tremors generated by the North’s previous five tests.

North Korea’s state-run television broadcast a special bulletin to announce the test, and said Mr Kim attended a meeting of the ruling party’s presidium and signed the go-ahead order.

Types of nuclear weapons.
(PA graphic)

Earlier, the party’s newspaper published photos of him examining what it said was a nuclear warhead being fitted onto an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Sunday’s detonation builds on recent North Korean advances that include test launches in July of two ICBMs that are believed to be capable of reaching the mainland US.

South Korean army soldiers prepare barbed wires during a military exercise in Paju
South Korean army soldiers prepare barbed wires during a military exercise in Paju (Ahn Young-joon/AP)

The North says its missile development is part of a defensive effort to build a viable nuclear deterrent that can target US cities.

North Korea’s accelerating push to field a nuclear weapon that can target all of the US is creating political complications for Washington as it seeks to reassure allies it will uphold its decades-long commitment to deter nuclear attack on South Korea and Japan.

That is why some questioned Mr Trump when he tweeted that Seoul is finding its “talk of appeasement” will not work.

South Korean army's K-55 self-propelled howitzers are at positions during a military exercise
South Korean army’s K-55 self-propelled howitzers are at positions during a military exercise (Ahn Young-joon)

He added the North Koreans “only understand one thing”, implying military force might be required.

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