Guernsey Press

Another Democrat enters White House fray with vow to win back Trump voters

Amy Klobuchar, from Minnesota, said she had demonstrated she could win in the traditional Democrat areas that switched to Donald Trump in 2016.

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Another Democrat has joined the race to be US president, promising to win back for the party the Midwest states that gave victory to Donald Trump in 2016.

Amy Klobuchar, a three-term senator from Minnesota, stressed her success in winning in counties that backed Mr Trump against Hillary Clinton in his successful campaign for the White House.

She is the most prominent Midwesterner in an increasingly-crowded race so far.

Ms Klobuchar said her success could translate to other Midwestern states such as Michigan and Wisconsin, reliably Democratic in presidential races for decades until Mr Trump’s victory over Mrs Clinton.

The list of Democrats already in the race features several better-known senators with the ability to raise huge amounts of money.

Election 2020 Klobuchar
Snow falls as rally goers wait at Boom Island Park for the arrival of Senator Amy Klobuchar (Jim Mone/AP)

It was a festive atmosphere on a cold and snowy day in Minneapolis as an exuberant crowd for Ms Klobuchar’s announcement at Boom Island Park, with the city’s skyline in the background, for her campaign kick-off on Sunday afternoon.

The temperature was in the teens and many in the crowd look as though they were dressed for skiing while campaign volunteers were passing out hand warmers along with American flags.

Hot chocolate, biscuits and cider were also provided for the event on the bank of the Mississippi river.

Ms Klobuchar said she would “lead from the heart” and look out for the interests of everyday Americans if she was elected president.

She said leaders in Washington “for too long” have “sat on the sidelines”, rather than address tough problems such as income inequality and climate change.

Senate Attorney General
Senator Amy Klobuchar (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)

She said: “Today we say ‘enough is enough’.”

Mr Trump wasted little time in poking fun at the latest person to declare an intent to replace him in the White House.

The president tweeted: “Well, it happened again. Amy Klobuchar announced that she is running for President, talking proudly of fighting global warming while standing in a virtual blizzard of snow, ice and freezing temperatures. Bad timing. By the end of her speech she looked like a Snowman(woman)!”

Ms Klobuchar dismissed reports that she is difficult to work for, saying she has high expectations for the people who work for her.

Ms Klobuchar was asked about the reports of high staff turnover and the loss of potential staff for the presidential campaign she announced in Minneapolis.

Ms Klobuchar said “I can be tough” and that “I can push people” and that she has staff who have worked for her for years and gone on to do other things.

She said she also has high expectations for the country.

A survey of senators by the website LegiStorm from 2001 to 2016 found that Ms Klobuchar’s office had the highest turnover in the Senate.

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